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  About Winlala

Welcome to Guangzhou Winlala Network Technology Co.,Ltd

Guangzhou WINLALA Network Technology Co.,Ltd is headquartered in GuangZHOU, China with branches in the Shenzhen city and Huizhou city.
   WINLALA provides clients with software outsourcing services domestically and internationally. Our outsourcing services offerings include industry consulting solutions, customized software development, software QA & testing, maintenance, and software localization and globalization. Our three types of services delivery models include on-site, offshore and hybrid services. In the past years, we have developed dedicated software offshore development centers for two companys. Our clients span a wide range of industries and fields including online game, flash game, telecommunications, ERP,website, and retail disciplines.At WINLALA we place a high emphasis on project management and software quality management.
   Our mission is to help our customers focus on their main business and strengths through professional outsourcing services. Our slogan is Outsourcing On Demand, our value: Trustworthy, Pragmatic, and Professional.  
Software Development Service
With several years of experience in the area of software application design and development, WINLALA offers professional software application services based on each customers requirements and their need to enhance their business competitiveness.We have ample qualified professionals to take on many types of projects from various industries. Our expertise in multiple domains has enabled us to deliver scalable, reliable, robust, secure and easily maintainable applications.
   1.Our services cover every phase in the software development life cycle including requirement analysis, system analysis, model design, coding, testing and maintenance. We can additionally provide new software product development from the start of design through each development stage based on the client requirements.
   2.Software applications systems that we have helped clients build and develop include:
   . New application systems.
   . Enhancement of existing application to run in the same computing environment with additional business requirements.
   . Redevelopment of applications that utilize existing business logic to work in a new computing environment.
Software Testing Service
WINLALA provides professional testing services for software application programs and websites.The testing services include:
Functionality testing
   Validating that an application conforms to its specifications and correctly performs all its required functions. This entails a series of tests that perform a feature by feature validation of functions, using a wide range of normal and invalid input data.
User Acceptance testing
   User Acceptance Testing checks the system against the "Requirements" and validates that system has delivered what was initially requested. The client/end users typically perform User Acceptance Testing.
Globalization testing
   The goal of globalization testing is to check if the application is ready for full international release. It involves checking the functionality of the product with any of the culture / locale settings using every type of possible international input.
Reliability testing
   Reliability testing helps define the failure rate of the product and tries to measure how long a system can be expected to operate when the system is under hardware or input transaction overload, memory leakage, etc.
Regression testing
   Regression testing is a consistent, repeatable validation of each new release of a product conducted to ensure that reported product defects have been corrected for each new release and that no new quality problems were introduced in the maintenance process.
Automation testing
   Automation testing is often used to save the time and resources to perform testing. We can develop our own automation testing tools according to the specific projects" needs.
Software Localization And Globalization
Software localization is not only translating from one language to another language, but also it"s a procedure of product creation and adjustment in order to meet the user"s requirement in culture, law, language, technology and marketing aspects. By means of the changes and adjustments. Localizations can make the software adapted to compliance with the needs of specific country / region. Entire localization solution focuses on product usability, function requirement, law legislation and related culture customs, etc.
   For a certain localization project, total translation workload is 5 million characters. Project process includes preparation, execution, testing & acceptance, quality assurance. WINLALA provides a close one-stop security and IPR service to satisfy client"s local regulations on manufacture and law.
Thanking you & assuring you of our desire to be of service.

   ADDR: Room 908,9th floor, GuangDa Mansion, No.689, TianHeBei Road, Guangzhou, China
TEL:020-38289846 020-38351235  Email:winlalacmp@gmail.com
Copyright 2006-2010 www.winlala.com All rights reserved
  winlala technology company - software outsourcing china,outsourcing companies,guangzhou,china,chinese,offshore outsourcing software development,
Offshore software development, application development outsourcing, offshore development center, software testing outsourcing company, Chordiant
software outsourcing,Software Localization And Globalization 
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